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Tue Jul 04 2023

10+ Important Bathtub Parts That You Should Know in 2023

10+ Important Bathtub Parts That You Should Know in 2023

Did you know that according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, a professional plumber can cost you $100 per hour, meaning if the tasks take two to three hours to complete, you are facing the expense of almost $300 U.S. dollars just for labor. That is a lot of money, but you could try to repair the bathtub by yourself. Of course, it is necessary to have a basic knowledge of plumbing if you are going to take care of the repair process. But, with the right guide at your disposal and knowing all the bathtub parts, you can do it by yourself without any issues. All you have to do is muster up the strength and trust the process. In this article, you will learn about all the bathtub parts you should know, so you can carry out a bathtub repair on your own. 

Bathtub Parts – 10+ Parts That You Should Know

It is a no-brainer when it comes to bathtubs, water supply is the first and most important “part” that you should know. 

1. Water Supply

In simple terms, water supply, as the name suggests, supplies water to your bathtub so you can take a bath. The reservoir provides the water to your shower and faucet, which, in turn, fills up the bathtub. It is of utmost importance to have regular maintenance of your water supply. Check for pollutants, dirt, and debris. These elements not only cause harm to your body but also damage the whole plumbing system. The water supply is used for cold water, but for hot water, there will be a sub-system (water heater). Instead of flowing directly into the faucet, the water gets collected in the water heater, gets heated, and outputs through the faucet. So, it is equally as important to maintain the water heater properly. One of the easiest ways to check the water condition is by seeing the flow of the water from the faucet and smelling it. If the water smells different and rusty, it is time to clean the reservoir and the pipeline for better water for your bathtub. Having a routine check-up (once in 2 months) is recommended to maintain a good water supply.

Tip: Use chlorine after cleaning the reservoir. Chlorine helps to maintain the water quality and kills all the bacteria in the water. It also removes any odor from the water. 

2. Shower System

One of the systems that are directly connected to the water reservoir is the shower system. A shower system is responsible for providing aerial baths, meaning instead of sitting down and submerging yourself in the bathtub, you are standing and washing. The shower system is also connected to the heater system where you can change the condition of the water supply based on the environment (a cold environment means hot water and vice versa). When it comes to bathtubs, shower systems are coupled in a way that your bathtub can serve as the drain and the shower system can act as the aerial mode of water supply. The good thing about the shower system is that you can customize them as per your needs. If you want better water flow, you can change the showerhead to a big one and vice-versa. But, the downside is that there is a higher chance of a higher water bill. Last but not least, you can change the temperature of the water with the help of a thermostat. A thermostat is a device that helps you to regulate the temperature of your bath. This helps to avoid any unnecessary accidents in your bath (such as skin burns).

3. Control Valve

The control valve is the type of valve that is responsible for controlling the water supply from the reservoir to your home. Usually, there are two types of control valves in any home, and they are fixture valves and primary valves. It is important to have both of these valves in your home, as the primary valve is responsible for supplying the water to your whole house, whereas fixture valves are attached to the supply tubes that run throughout the house. Regular maintenance on the valves can help you to ensure that you get the required amount of water to your household without any blockage. 

4. Divider Valve

A divider valve is a type of valve that helps you to divert the flow of water. Meaning, if you want to centralize the flow of water (hot and cold water in a single place), then you must have the divider valve. In almost all households, the divider valve is present in all the bathroom appliances,  such as shower systems, and freestanding bathtubs, so that with just a single turn, you can change the condition of the water. So, how do you know if the valve is in bad condition? The easiest way to identify the condition of the valve is by measuring the water output. If the output is low, or low pressure, it is time to check if there are any issues with the valve. 

Now, let’s take a look at the parts, which are more specific to the bathtub

5. Rim

The rim is nothing but a portion of your bathtub. The upper (mouth of your bathtub) part is known as the rim. Rim has two purposes, one is to provide a sturdy base for the bather to relax and enjoy the session, and another purpose is to catch the excess water that is spilling out of the tub when the tub is overflowing with water. Now, how do you check if the rim is bad? There is no exact way to see if the rim is bad, since the rim is in contact with the water more often, and the sealant under the rim might get worn out. It is recommended to use new caulk as the sealant once every two months. 

6. Planer Cross

The planer cross is the dedicated part to the bathtub, as same as the rim. It is easy to identify the planer cross, thanks to its four cross-connection shapes. This four-connection pipe is responsible for connecting the divider pipe, the hot and cold water supply, the rim of your bathtub, and last but not least, the drain of the bathtub. This is really helpful when it comes to disposing of water from the bathroom directly without spilling it on the bathroom floor. Same as the divider valve, you can find the issue by checking the water pressure and the output. 

7. Bathtub Drain

As the name suggests, the main purpose of a drain is to eliminate the used water from the bathtub. This is done by placing the circular hole in the bathtub, where the hole is connected to the drain pipe, which then connects to the drain system that collects all the used water. This can also be seen at the sink. So, how do you know if the bathtub drain is not functioning properly? The drain is one of the easiest parts to check. If the water is not draining properly from the bathtub, the drain is not functioning properly and it might be clogged. If the drain is clogged, you have to check the drain surrounding area as well as the drain pipeline. 

8. Overflow Pipe

You might have heard about the overflow pipe, but what it is actually? The overflow pipe is the form of pipe and its main purpose is to catch the excess water once the water reaches the optimal level. It is generally located between the connectors and the drain, once the water reaches the optimal level, the excess water starts to enter the overflow pipe. The overflow pipe is present for a reason, and that is to reduce the load on the bathtub. Already the bathtub is heavy and water adds more weight to it. An overflow pipe helps to maintain the balance of water in the bathtub.

9. Trap

This is the form of pipe structured in a way that it looks like an s-shaped and the main purpose of this tube is to trap the water. This helps to drain all the harmful substances, gases, and other foreign substances from outside of your home. Not only that, but it also helps the waste from the used water pass from your home to the outside. If you smell any odor or sense there is waste in the drain, there is a good chance that the traps are not working properly.

10. Waste Outlet

Since we are talking about waste, it is important to know more about the waste outlet. It is not actually a part of the bathtub, but it is a part of your bathroom that has an influence on your bathtub. A drain-vent system is also known as a waste outlet and it is functioning in such a way that, with the help of gravity, it sends the waste to the sewer. You can think of it as a one-long pipeline that collects the waste and push it to the sewer drain. Now, this waste outlet is usually connected to the trap mentioned above. All these waste outlets, along with the trap, are definitely helpful when it comes to maintaining the neutral ambiance in your bathroom and letting it be free from any harmful gases. 

11. Lining

If you are having an alcove bathtub, then you must have heard about the lining. In simple terms, lining refers to the area where the bathtub meets the adjoining walls. The area is secured with the help of caulk or other sealants. The main purpose of the lining is to make sure that the area is well-secured so that water does not escape and damage the surface and the bathtub. But the sealant tends to wear out. The best way to treat this issue is to install a new lining with multiple layers (preferably acrylic since it is non-porous) and secured your bathtub with a good sealant. 

12. Faucet

The faucet consists of various parts, such as cartridges, a dome (in the shower head), a sprout, and a lever.  Each part has its own functionality, the cartridge is used to regulate the water flow and the temperature when you turn the faucet handle. The dome is the cover of the shower, which is responsible for the regulation of bursts of water in the shower. The other reason is the