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How To Keep Bath Warm – 6 Ideas That Can Change Your Bathing Experience

How To Keep Bath Warm – 6 Ideas That Can Change Your Bathing Experience


No matter what the weather is outside, most people prefer hot showers. Imagine having a stress relieving warm bath for the day and you slowly feel the water turning cold. It is even worse if it is winter.  We all are aware that warm baths are good for your mind and body by soothing and relaxing the muscles. So, it is important to know how to keep bath warm for a longer period of time. If you are wondering how to keep bath warm, you have come to the right place. In this article, let’s cover how to keep bath warm, and its benefits in detail.

Benefits of Taking a Warm Bath

Relieves Stress

If you are looking for a way to take a breather after a tiring day, taking a warm bath is the answer. Taking a warm bath is a quick and easy way to take a breather. Imagine coming home to a hot bath with a sprinkle of essential oils, and scented candles. The very thought of it sounds relaxing, right? This is because a hot bath has the ability to trigger the parasympathetic nervous system which is in charge of relaxation. 

Enhances Sleep

Have you ever noticed you tend  to fall asleep faster in a cold environment than in the warmer one? Or a better example would be, it is difficult to hit the sack when  you are all sweaty because of a hot environment. This is why people prefer keeping their bedroom cool.  Taking a warm shower before bedtime can help you fall asleep faster. The reason is that it helps lower your body temperature.

Improves Blood Circulation

Another notable benefit of taking a warm bath is improved blood circulation. The hot water in the bath helps the blood vessels to widen and promotes good blood circulation.

Clears Skin

Showering in warm water can help clear out the oil in your skin. This is because the steam from the warm water helps open the pores and cleans out the dirt and oil from the surface of your skin. Clean pores means clear skin. Additionally it reduces the chances of getting acne. 

Eases Out Nasal Congestion

Nasal congestions are the worst. Taking a warm bath can open up the blocked nasal passages, clear out any allergies and help you breathe better. This is because the steam from the hot bath moisturizes the nasal passages and eases out sinus pressure and relieves pain.

Fights Depression

An instant fix to help relieve anxiety and depression is taking a hot shower. Sometimes, just soaking yourself in a hot bath can greatly help bring relief to your anxiety and depression. Try adding a few drops of lavender essential oil to enhance your bathing experience, as it is known for reducing anxiety and boosting mental calmness.

Lowers Blood Sugar Level

You probably have been told to control your carbs and to exercise regularly to keep your blood sugar level under control. Yes, that helps but there is a much easier and more relaxing way to do it as well. You guessed it right, taking a warm bath is a great way to reduce your blood sugar level. The reason behind this is that hot water helps to widen the blood vessels, making more blood flow into your muscles. More blood flow into the muscles means more glucose can enter into the cell and helps lower blood sugar level. 

How To Keep Your Bath Warm

Bathtub Material

Bathtub material is the real game changer in keeping the bath warm. Bathtubs are available in a variety of materials, such as acrylic, stone resin, wood, cast iron, copper, concrete, and brass. Some bathtub materials retain heat longer than the others. So, if heat retention is in your top list of preferences, then you should go for cast iron, copper,stone resin, and acrylic bathtubs. 

Using a Bubble Bath

You might have heard bubble baths are beneficial for relaxing your mind and nourishing your skin. But that’s not all. It also helps to retain the heat for a longer time. This is done by the soap bubbles on top of the water surface, which locks air and acts as a great insulator. This way you can have a warm and enjoyable bath.


Preheat Your Bath to High Temperature

Filling your bathtub can take some time. So, even if you fill it with warm water it is going to lose the heat in the meantime. Another reason is that your bathtub has a cold surface naturally, and it will absorb some of the heat and lower the water temperature soon. To prevent this you can preheat the bathtub. 

This can be done by either boiling a pot full of water and pouring it in the interior of the bathtub or filling the tub with the hottest setting on your faucet. The idea is to fill your bathtub with water much higher than temperature so that it will come down to your desired temperature after the  bathtub is filled. 


Keep the Bathroom Door Closed

This may seem obvious, but keeping your bathroom door closed is not only good for your privacy, but also for retaining the heat of your bathtub. The reason is that the steam evaporated from the hot water in the tub is a great heat dispersant. The more steam in the room the hotter it will be. 

Reinforcing Your Existing Bathtub with Insulation

Another crucial factor in keeping your bathtub warm for a longer period of time is insulation. It is the distance between the bathtub and the walls of your bathroom. If you own a freestanding tub, the insulation may be inadequate, and you may need to rely on the material of the tub to retain heat. You can also fill the gap with foam insulation like spray foam. 

Use Hot Stones

Using hot stones not only enhances the bathing experience, but also promotes healing. Hot stones are usually made of basalt, a common type of volcanic salt, which is known for retaining heat for a long duration of time. You can preheat the hot stones and add them to the bathtub. 

Caution: Avoid direct skin contact of the stones as they are really hot. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the ideal temperature for taking a hot bath?

Hot bath should be a little warmer than your normal body temperature. Considering the ideal body temperature is accepted as 37 degree C (98 degree F), your bath temperature can range from 35 to 40 degree C (95 to 104 degree F). 


  1. How often should you take a warm bath?

Taking a warm bath 2-3 times a week is good practice to keep your mind and body relaxed. However, taking a hot shower daily is not recommended, as it can dry out skin and cause skin problems like itchiness, flaky skin, and irritate your skin.


  1. Why does my bath get cold so fast?

There are several factors that could affect the temperature of the bathtub:

  • The type of bathtub material.
  • Poor insulation of the bathtub.
  • Inadequate insulation of the wall. 
  • Keeping the bathroom door open.

Final Thoughts

There is nothing more relaxing than a long hot water bath after a long, tiring day. The water turning cold quickly shouldn’t be the reason you get out of the bath so soon. A number of factors could be the reason why your bath is turning cold too soon, like poor insulation of the bathtub, the type of bathtub material used, not insulating the wall properly, and leaving the bathroom door open. 


By following the ways mentioned in the article, you can keep your bath warm for an extended period of time. Magnus offers you a wide variety of bathtubs that have wonderful heat retention properties ranging from affordable to the most lavish bathtubs. You can access the collection from here. Hope this article helped you provide enough information on how to keep a bath warm.